Baila Sebrow is a world-renowned Shadchan and dating coach. In addition to the 350+ shidduchim she has made to date she is the author of the very popular weekly “Dating Forum” column in the 5 Towns Jewish Times. With the many Shidduch organizations that Baila is involved in, she meets individuals of all ages and hashkafic circles. Baila has also hosted a number of very successful singles events. We look forward to having her share her talent with our guests and make some shidduchim over Yom Tov.

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Baila Sebrow is a world-renowned Shadchan and dating coach. In addition to the 350+ shidduchim she has made to date she is the author of the very popular weekly “Dating Forum” column in the 5 Towns Jewish Times. With the many Shidduch organizations that Baila is involved in, she meets individuals of all ages and hashkafic circles. Baila has also hosted a number of very successful singles events. We look forward to having her share her talent with our guests and make some shidduchim over Yom Tov.


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