Rabbi Jonathan Rietti – a descendant of the Ben Ish Chai and son of the famous British actor Robert Rietti, known as ‘The Man of a Thousand Voices’ and ‘King of the Dubbers’ – received his rabbinical diploma from Gateshead Yeshiva after which he helped establish the now flourishing Kollel in Gibraltar. With a master’s in education, he has practiced for over thirty five years as an educational consultant to parents of gifted children and those with ADD. With Montessori training, he has developed a curriculum which dovetails a Torah education with Montessori methodology. In 2009 by Rabbi Rietti and his son Eli (author of The Frum Revolution) founded Breakthroughchinuch.com offering a “hands-on” curriculum—to compliment the traditional Chinuch system—for teachers, schools, and homeschooling parents. Rabbi Rietti has authored over two hundred lectures on topics including inner growth, health, parenting and Jewish identity, and draws upon his background in the film and advertising industries to entertain the listener while sharing powerful insights on love, happiness and ‘emotional intelligence.
Rabbi Daniel Kalish shlit’a learned in Yeshiva of Far Rockaway and then at the Mir, Yerushalayim. He came back to help start Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury and is currently the Rosh Yeshiva of the Mesivta of Waterbury. Rabbi Kalish is an outstanding educator, whose love for his students has literally transformed their lives. He is known for his outstanding talks to both students and parents, that awaken, inspire, guide and instruct both young and old towards a more meaningful life and healthier relationships. Rabbi Kalish shares beautiful and meaningful words of Torah and relates them to life in a compelling and practical manner. He has gained acclaim for his wonderful shmoozen that awaken, inspire and encourage people to reach their potential as an Eved Hashem. We are privileged to have R’ Kalish and his family join us for Pesach 2023.
Rabbi Eytan Feiner currently serves as the full-time Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel, more popularly known as The White Shul, in Far Rockaway, New York. He also delivers monthly shiurim at Lander’s Yeshiva and at Machon Basya Rochel Seminary, lectures extensively throughout the New York area and beyond, and is the summer Rabbi of Chai Lifeline’s Camp Simcha.
Rabbi Feiner previously served as a Maggid Shiur and Senior Lecturer at Aish HaTorah in Yerushalayim, taught weekly in Yeshivat HaKotel, Michlala, the Gra Shul in Sha’arei Chesed, and at various Yeshivot and Seminaries throughout Eretz Yisroel.There is nothing he enjoys more than sharing the pure joy and excitement of Torah learning with others…
*chol hamoed only
Rabbi Reuven Epstein CPA is a highly regarded dating and marriage expert.
He heads The Marriage Project, an online and in-person resource for couples looking to maximize their relationships. His involvement in the community extends to chosson classes, marriage-related shailas, rabbinic counseling, guidance, and speaking engagements.
*chol hamoed only
Nachi Gordon is the Founder and CEO of Meaningful Minute and Co-Host of the Meaningful People Podcast.
Meaningful Minute harnesses the power of social media to reach millions of people around the world each week with thought provoking meaningful content.